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It's not too complicated!

The best way to lose weight? Well, losing weight is actually pretty simple. Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that people can achieve significant weight loss by following almost any low-carbohydrate or low-fat diet. The most effective diet is the one that you will stick with!

Here are a few tips:

Pick a reasonable goal – Studies show that an initial weight loss goal of 5 percent is realistic and it offers important health benefits.

Portion control is key – A moderately active adult male, for instance, can lose weight by aiming to consume fewer than 2000 calories per day.

Cook and eat at home – You will have more control over your calories.

Eat more fruit and vegetables – Also choose whole over refined grains, and select lean meats and seafood.

Eat a protein-rich breakfast – Your body will look for stored fat to burn for energy, and the meal will leave you feeling satisfied longer than a carb-filled breakfast would.

Reduce your sugar intake – try to consume less than 6 teaspoons per day. Also, be aware of sugar found in honey, syrup and fruit juice.

I welcome any comments or feedback. I hope this provides you with some “food for thought”!


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