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Acceptance Strategies for Seniors

We all have a hard time asking for and accepting help, but when it comes to seniors accepting care, the resistance is often very high.

It is not easy for most people to accept help, even when it's needed, but it can be particularly challenging for the current generation of older adults to consider senior care. For the rest of us, we are usually able to acknowledge that certain events – recovery from surgery, temporary illness, the overwhelming addition of a new baby, or some other life transition – will present new challenges and require lifestyle adjustments. So why won't seniors accept help?

When seniors need help due to declining health, they understand that the need for senior care could be permanent, or even worse, could lead to greater dependence. Older adults want to be in control and, in their minds, the longer they resist, the longer they preserve their independence.

We understand that older adults want to maintain their lifestyle, but professionals may start to see signs that a senior or loved one needs more help to remain safe at home. It can be frustrating when your efforts to offer help in the way of senior care are refused.

Most seniors today are a part of the generation called the Traditionalists, or the Silent Generation. They are the generation that experienced some part of the Great Depression. They worked hard, stayed in their jobs for decades, and saved their money. Their values include sacrifice, loyalty and contributing to the collective good. Asking for help is not in their makeup, and accepting it is even harder. 

The idea of DENIAL is a key component. Nobody likes to admit that their health is failing, but it is even more distressing when there is no hope that things will get better. When faced with the fact that their health is not going to improve, denial can prevent someone from taking a necessary action.

What to do? Be very matter-of-fact about the realities of their situation, without making it personal. Help older adults understand that some kind of assistance is necessary, and that accepting it can make the situation much better for everyone.

Chiropractic care is a gentle and safe way to keep an aging spine in working order. We all have some limitations, so let us face our realities and do what we can to improve our quality of life. 


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